Upcoming YEP Events

SELECT * FROM m_events LEFT JOIN m_events_dates ON m_events_dates.event_id = m_events.id WHERE status = 1 GROUP BY m_events.id ORDER BY m_events_dates.start_date ASC #LIMIT 0, 10
November 2023
Thursday, November 2, 2023 @ 7:30pm
Tom Nichols previously taught international relations and government at Georgetown University and Dartmouth College and taught as a Secretary of the Navy Fellow at the Naval War College. He also served as an aide in the United States Senate, and w...
Saturday, November 11, 2023 @ 6:00pm
Gobble gobble! We'll be at Radius Cowork for a Friendsgiving Potluck and Board Game Night! Please register and note what dish you plan to share! Feel free to bring any board games and card games as well. Plates, silverware, napkins, and turkey mai...
Friday, November 17, 2023 @ 6:00pm
Come hangout with us at Voodoo for our last Off the Clock of the year before the holidays set in! Off the Clock is our monthly happy hour event for new potential members to see what we're all about and for current members so socialize and network!...