Code of Conduct

Young Erie Professionals wants you to develop, connect, and succeed. A young professionals community thrives when all the members cooperate to make it great. While this list isn't meant to be comprehensive, it should serve as the foundation for each member's rights and responsibilities. Be mindful about your conduct, help remind others, and be open to receiving a reminder yourself.  

Be friendly, and keep an open mind

Networking might be new to some, while others are veterans. We hope you learn from each other. If you see someone standing by themselves, or staring puzzledly at the refreshments, help them out! Introduce yourself and try to add value, your kindness is what makes Erie and our work better.  

Celebrate responsibly

There will be times when alcohol will be present at events. You choose to drink, therefore you're responsible for your actions afterwards. Consume alcohol responsibly, drunkenness will not be tolerated.  

We're all in this together

Society is made up of people of different backgrounds, needs and perceptions. Promote equality and value diversity. You should not make offensive or insulting remarks about members based on their gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, physical appearance, ethnicity, race, national origin, political affiliation, age, or religion. This includes behaving in a way that offends, intimidates and is hostile, degrading or humiliating to others. Respect those around you. 

Sell yourself not your products

YEP memberships and events are for young professionals to connect with one another, not to make a sale. You shall not engage in any deceptive, false, unethical, or unlawful consumer or recruiting practice. 

share and share alike

Shared knowledge is our thing! The key to making this work is introducing yourself and sharing your knowledge and experience with others. The more we share, the more we all have. Participate in various events to make the most of your membership. 

in focus

Be mindful when talking with others. Respect people's time and boundaries. There's a time and place for discussions. Schedule a time to meet up. 

It takes a village

If you're struggling with your work, a client, or just need to bounce some ideas around, ask a member! Need help moving? Golf buddy? Ride home? Remember the motto: Ask A Member! The greatest part of being a young professional is the wealth of opportunities that arise from sharing community with other young professionals who are such gosh darn incredible people. 

a yep memership is a privilege, not a right

Violating this code of conduct can lead to your expulsion from Young Erie Professionals and permanent revocation of your membership. Any membership dues will not be reimbursed or prorated.